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Farmer Cecil
Aug 23, 20243 min read
The Texas Extreme Heat and Growing Produce
As all of you know it has been ridiculously hot and dry for the last 4 summers. Each year is worse than before. This makes it very hard...
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Farmer Cecil
Dec 6, 20213 min read
Adding more land to the Farm
Last year we purchased more land in East Texas. This will be our future home. We're in the process of building right now. The exciting...
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Farmer Cecil
Apr 18, 20213 min read
A Farmer has to be very Optimistic
Every year since 1999, I've been amazed to see a tiny seed grow and produce so much food. As I'm planting these seeds, in my mind, I can...
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Farmer Cecil
Sep 10, 20202 min read
Recipe of the week 2 this week
Baked pears recipe with honey, cinnamon & pecans This baked pears recipe only uses four ingredients and is a sweet and easy breakfast or...
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Farmer Cecil
Sep 2, 20202 min read
Fall is the best time to grow.
So summer is almost over and you may think, that's the end of fresh vegetables. If you think that, you would be wrong. In fact the Fall...
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Farmer Cecil
Jan 14, 20203 min read
Preparing for the New Year
I can't believe that we're already 2 weeks into a new year. Where did 2019 go? It flew by so fast. January is a busy time for us....
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Farmer Cecil
Aug 12, 20182 min read
Well, we've had the second hottest summer in Texas history! We're also under extreme drought. It's been rough to grow anything this...
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Farmer Cecil
Apr 27, 20182 min read
What a difference a good rain makes!
It's been a crazy kind of spring. 80 degrees during the day and wake up to 31 degrees, the next day? Watching the rain on the radar...
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Farmer Cecil
Apr 22, 20182 min read
What's going on at the Farm
Well, as you can imagine, it's been very busy. Almost all the spring planting is done except for the crops that we keep planting every...
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